Tell your legislators that giving state funds to private religious schools degrades public education and violates the Constitution.

ACTION ALERT — Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers

Tell your legislators that giving state funds to private religious schools degrades public education and violates the Constitution.

Senate Study Bill 1065 has been introduced in the Iowa Legislature and requires our response. This bill is part of the Governor's agenda to actively undermine public education in Iowa. While this alone should be enough to justify our response, such voucher programs also direct taxpayer funds to private religious schools. This bill violates the principle of separation of church and state. If passed, will significantly undermine secular government in Iowa. 

Please contact your legislators, as well as the legislators on the Education Subcommittee (Sinclair, Zaun, and Quirmbach) to voice your opposition to this bill. 

Included below is a sample letter that you may use, edit, or simply draft your own. 

To find your State Representatives and Senators, go to and type in your address. Click on your legislator’s names for their emails and websites.

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Credit to Alexis Dawn.

Sample letter:

Dear [legislator]:

I write today to register my opposition to SSB 1065. 

While the Iowa Legislature should focus on strengthening public education, — especially in the face of COVID-19's effect on Iowa's students — it is instead creating a voucher program that improperly directs public funds to religious schools. This violates the separation of church and state, one of the most revered facets of American government. 

Such voucher programs have been shown to be ineffectual in improving educational opportunities for children, while undermining secular government. Public funds should be directed to public schools, not churches. 

Again, I oppose SSB1065 and all such bills undermining public education, as well as any bill that directs public funds to religious schools. 


[Your name]
