JASON BENELL - President
Jason Benell is a father, a combat veteran, a humanist,a community volunteer, and an atheist living in Des Moines, Iowa. Jason has been a community volunteer in central Iowa having been a member of Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers for more than a decade as well as sitting on the board of multiple non profits that provide cultural, economic, and educational enrichment for community members of all ages. He lives with his wife and two children and enjoys trail cycling, video games, community volunteering, and discussing politics over a drink or two.
BOB COOK - Vice President
I was raised a good Presbyterian on a farm in Ottumwa, Iowa. I am a lifelong skeptic ever since ninth grade when I discovered that ancient aliens aren’t real and Erich von Däniken is a god damned liar. I have been an atheist since my college days in the early eighties. I shed the last of my religious belief after taking a philosophy class from a professor who was really good at his job. (It turns out that atheism makes way more sense than an omnipotent, loving god who drowns the world in a fit of pique.)
I work in medical imaging at a local hospital. I enjoy science fiction conventions, growing my own tomatoes and peppers, and I make a mean salsa.
HOWARD HOY - Treasurer
I am originally from Waterloo IA, a third generation atheist. After obtaining two degrees from Northern Iowa, my first career was as a railroader. When that went South in 1980, I went to work for Internal Revenue Service, retiring from there in 2007. I have a son and granddaughter in Clear Lake. In retirement I occupy my time with bicycling, model railroading, politics, and being doorkeeper for three cats. I particularly enjoy IAF's weekly Meet Ups.
Ashley Hager - Secretary
Former IAF President and longtime activist. Proud mother and community volunteer!
JENA LUKSETICH - Board Director At-Large
I was born and raised in Iowa. I lived in San Francisco for ten years, and Chicago for two before making my way back to Iowa to raise my kids with the support of family. I grew up Catholic and remember questioning many stories in catechism class as early as elementary school. I never had any personal negative experiences with religion, but it was easy for me to separate myself from a power structure that is too often used to manipulate and harm vulnerable people. The value I have worked to instill in my kids is, “Do good and be kind to other humans because it is the right thing to do, not because you think will be rewarded or out of fear of punishment.
Corey Gillespie - Board Director At-Large
ZACH ALETHEIA - Information Technology Chair