Des Moines, IA 12/15/2023 - Each year there have been winter solstice, seasonal holiday, and sectarian religious displays set up for public viewing in the state capitol rotunda. IAF, as well as other organizations, have proudly presented a display alongside other religious groups with the message of inclusion, separation of church and state, and protecting the rights of all Iowans to have freedom of, as well as from, religion.

However, this year, the Satanic Temple of Iowa has displayed a Baphomet statue alongside their 7 tenets which was done according to the process, openly, and within their 1st amendment right to express themselves. This has drawn swift condemnation from conservative Christian legislators and commentators that seem to value only one faith over and above all others: Christianity. Despite 1st amendment protections and a clear cut case of equal access and protection under the law, the Satanic Temple display was destroyed this week. Not only was that display targeted, but it was also targeted specifically by Christians, for sectarian religious reasons. This targeting was encouraged by legislators and even had the Iowa Governor, Kim Reynolds, calling it “evil”.

This is unacceptable.

Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers remain committed to the free speech protection of all Iowans as well as the separation of church and state. Calling for the removal of a holiday display that is found objectionable due to religious reasons that has led to the destruction of the Satanic Display ought to be condemned in the strongest words possible. When our leaders make it permissible to destroy religious – or non-religious- displays they find religiously objectionable, they are abdicating their responsibility to safeguard the freedom of expression of the citizens they represent.

Jason Benell
