Reason On the Hill 2023

Reason on the Hill is back! Mark your calendars, folks: Monday Feb. 13 from 9:00 AM to about 3:00 PM in the Rotunda of the Iowa Capitol Building. Cosponsored by our friends  in Humanists of Linn County, Reason on the Hill is our secular lobby day. Please join us if you can to speak to your legislators, promote church/state separation, and encourage reason/science based public policy. 

We need your help with this. We need people to host our outreach table in the morning and then speak to legislators in the afternoon. If you can make it, please let us know. Clear your calendar and ask for the day off now. 

We will set up the outreach tables at 8:30 AM and spend the morning talking to legislators, staffers, lobbyists, and visitors to the Capitol Building. 

Okay, I have a confession. Feb. 13 is a Monday. Legislators spend Monday mornings driving back to the Capitol from their homes after the weekend so most won’t be there until later. They gavel in at 1:00 PM.  I am embarrassed to admit that when I reserved this time slot last Spring, I did not realize this. But there will still be a crowd of staffers, lobbyists, and probably a few early bird legislators there for us to talk to.

On the other hand, it was also the only unclaimed time left during the Session. There were no other options. 

We will tear down our outreach tables a little before Noon and go to lunch. 

After 1:00 PM, we will return to lobby our legislators in person.

In the midterm elections, Christian Nationalists gained seats in both chambers of the Iowa Legislature and the Executive Branch. They have the numbers to pass any bill they like. Our political climate is more polarized than ever. Because of that, theocrats have little reason to restrain themselves and every reason to keep their base riled up. 

Secular voices have to make themselves heard and Reason on the Hill is one of our most effective ways to do that.

We will partner with other like-minded groups to host outreach tables and meet with legislators. Reason on the Hill is open to any organization that supports our goals of science-based legislation, secular government, and the separation of church and state.

Find out more about Reason on the Hill at this link or on FaceBook.

You can reach me at