Senate File 51, introduced by legislators who are NOT Christian Nationalists, would require hospitals to prominently post policies related to admission, nondiscrimination, and reproductive healthcare. In other words, they would have to clearly explain on their website policies related to LGBTQ patients, religious minorities, and abortion-related care, among other important matters. Catholic hospitals, in particular, go out of their way to NOT make this information publicly available. They are morally obligated to make this information available, but they do not. This bill would force them to do the right thing.
I do occasionally talk about good bills that should be enacted. I don’t really expect any of them to pass this year.The odds of this bill becoming a law in Iowa approach zero. But it should be the law everywhere.
The thing is, greater than zero means there is still a chance that it will pass. If we all do nothing, then the odds really are zero. Talking about it now can change people’s minds next year in the general election. Don’t give up. We have important things to do and lives to save.