Fear of the Flat Planet
Join IAF at the Des Moines Central Library as we host Glenn Branch, deputy director of the National Center for Science Education!
April 14, 2025
6 PM
The Latest With IAF
Science is under attack in Iowa and that should bother all of us.
A fundamental building block of our modern society is that of science. From the computers in our pockets to life saving medical care to early weather detection even to ensuring our lost pets can be returned to us- all these things are built on the solid rock of science and the scientific method. It is indisputable that our lives are not only better, but for many, are even possible because of our trust in the scientific method. Our ability to deploy science for the advancement of our species ought to be a point of pride and focus for us as a people.
Science has provided competitive advantages in making sure Iowa can feed as many people as it can. Norman Borlaug didn’t consult the stars or dowse for answers, he studied agronomy and deployed science. Peggy Whiston doesn’t hold the record for longest amount of time in space because she turned away from new ideas and the scientific method, but because she embraced them. The track record of science is clear; so clear that even folks who know little about the scientific method tout it as an important and necessary component for a better understanding of the world.
Why, then, is the state of Iowa so dead set on doing everything it can to reject it at the state level? Science isn’t something that changes because we don’t like a conclusion we have reached via rigorous methodology. It isn’t something that “gets in our way” on purpose to confound us or lead us to some strange predetermined conclusion. Yet, Iowa legislators consistently treat it as such.
When scientific study finds that there are problems with the water in Iowa, Iowa leaders defund the research because it may lead to inconvenient economic truths, rather than deploy scientific inquiry to solve the matter. When scientific study finds that climate change is dramatically changing the weather patterns in Iowa, Iowa leaders hedge and find reasons to reject the conclusions because they dislike public expenditures despite data showing benefits of mitigating and preparing for such changes. When scientific study finds that evolution best describes organic biology– a bedrock of modern medicine including antibiotics, vaccines, and cancer treatments – rather than embrace and celebrate this, republicans seek to persecute any mention of it because it conflicts with their unscientific beliefs. Iowa leaders have even gone so far as to modify documents signed off on by scientists to erase scientific consensus and adopt unscientific methods for education standards. (https://www.thegazette.com/state-government/committee-members-we-didnt-recommend-science-standards-omitting-climate-change-evolution/)
It is strange that the same people that will use science to earn a dollar, move goods, extend their life, and increase their comfort will turn against the scientific method if it makes them uncomfortable in other areas. In their personal lives they will deploy science to make a good decision on their own healthcare, but reject science funding for society at large if they feel it conflicts with their political views or economic benefactors.
This is not a sustainable long-term strategy to build a resilient society.
The world works the same way whether we want it to or not: rivers flow and winds blow, and societies that learn WHY these things happen last a lot longer than those that do not. Rather than putting our heads down into the sand – or our favorite holy book- we should embrace the scientific method to solve the problems that face our society at large. Using science and rationality has the best track record when it comes to raising the standard of living in all metrics – not cherry picking what we like and don’t like to satisfy our personal agendas or superstitious beliefs
Free inquiry and embracing science are a requirement for a free society and Iowa’s assault on both has and will leave it far worse for it. We know what life was like before there was a consensus on the scientific method: Life was far shorter, far more brutal, and far more miserable. I, for one, do not want to return to that kind of a life or society where witch burnings were a threat, the common cold was deadly, and folks were easily swindled by snake oil salesmen. It is only through science and reason that we have overcome these things, and turning away from them will only lead us back into a dark age. The dark age wasn’t call the dark age in Europe because people didn’t have hope. It was because it was a time when faith ruled and reason was discarded and we should never ever want to go back to that.
What a year 2024 has been for all of us! 2024 has been a year of change for so many of us across the state and country. We had an election that places us more at risk for a collapse of the wall between church and state. Project 2025 is more and more likely to become a reality. The rights of women and religious minorities continue to be eroded in favor of Christian Nationalist laws and legislative leaders. Things didn’t go the way we’d like this last year and from the looks of the upcoming legislative session, this trend is likely to continue.
It is easy to feel beat down after a tumultuous and difficult year.
However, it isn’t all bad news for us at IAF! There is strength and hope in something that isn’t reliant on our voting or our elected leadership.
That thing is community.
I, for one, am glad that I get to be a part of a community of freethinkers that champions science, learning, and the separation of church and state. It is the members of this organization that make it one worth fighting for and one worth supporting. These religious organizations and Christian Nationalists can pass laws that violate the constitution in both word and spirit, but they can’t take away our community, unless we let them. For the members of IAF, I am thankful!
2024 has also been a year of learning for a lot of us with expanded events that will continue into 2025! 2024 saw us join the Valley Junction Farmers Market event and engage with our friends on the West side of town. We also began satellite events outside of the Des Moines metro for the first time since the Covid 19 pandemic with an event in Fairfield, Iowa. Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers has also seen our membership increase and engagement trend upward as we have more of these events. IAF has also modernized our technology with more responsive online features and more expansive events throughout the year both online and in person.
2025 will be a year of growth, opportunity, and discovery as we begin pushing the bounds on what we can do to protect the separation of church and state. IAF will be more involved at the statehouse keeping you updated on what the legislature is doing. We’ll also have more in person events from happy hours, lectures, panels, to co-sponsored events with organizations like the Interfaith Alliance of Iowa and American Atheists. Also keep an eye out for some big headliners at this years Iowa Secular Summit!
I look forward to another year of growth and expansion with Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers, it has been an honor and a pleasure to be the president of such a great organization. As we wrap up the year, please make sure your dues are paid so we can continue to facilitate more and greater events across this state. Your dollars and support are key to the sustainability and success of IAF, especially as we see more and more political and economic headwinds from organized religious institutions. Visit us at iowaatheists.org, you can become a sustaining member, grab some swag, and keep up on the latest events!
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you out there!
In Good We Trust!
IAF President Jason Benell at the Continental Divide - Hoosier Pass, Colorado
Jason Benell
Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers
Secularists, Freethinkers, Atheists, Agnostics, the non-religious – the “Nones” - are on the rise in the United States, as well as in my home state of Iowa. According to the last Pew Research poll published in January of 2024, the Nones represent nearly 30% of the American population, which is no small amount, and if you add in those that consider themselves “Nothing in Particular”, that number surges to just under 40%! This is more than those that identify as Catholics, Muslims, Mormons, Jewish, combined, as well as Mainline Protestants as a group, with only Evangelical traditions overtaking the Nones in sheer population numbers. However, when we look at the make-up of congress and our civic leaders, the issues discussed at the national and state level, and even the cultural touchstones in our day to day lives, you wouldn’t know the above were true about the United States citizenry.
To start with, let’s look at the make-up of Congress and the Supreme Court. Christians make up approximately 60% of the United States if you lump in Catholics and Christians together, but Congress is represented at almost 90% by this group. This does call into question if such an elected body truly represents the will of the people if the disparity is this stark in our elected officials. Yet the imbalance of representation doesn’t end there, with even amongst the least numerous religious groups - Jews, Mormons, and Muslims - still marking approximately 11% of Congress yet representing less than 5% of the total US population.
Granted, it is a good thing that these minority religions are represented in the halls of power; having only one belief system represented would not be a good representation. Still, that does nothing to address the largest demographic discussed outside of Christians: the Nones. They represent almost a third of the US populace but have less than 1% representation in the United States Congress.
This is even worse on the Supreme Court with a staggering 7 out of 9 justices being Catholic, one being Protestant, and one being Jewish. Even the Protestants are grossly underrepresented on the Supreme Court. There isn’t a single Supreme Court Justice that is a None despite 30% of the population seeking that representation on the highest court of the land. How can we make good decisions that represent the will of the people if one of the largest religious “denominations” is not represented at the congressional or federal level?
Next, we can look to the issues that are often brought up in each election cycle and in campaigns, particularly issues like abortion and equal rights, the treatment and rights of women, free speech, civil rights, and secular governance. These are all things that religious ideologies have historically struggled with, often causing schisms within their own faith groups. All the while secular Americans have consistently been on the one side of these issues but are not represented in the discussions or campaigns. For many this is a round robin that seems to never end with ever changing ways that faith groups seek to inject their sectarian views into policy and take over the discussion.
No wonder we find ourselves at loggerheads on so many issues and find ourselves retreading the same ground time and again when there is an overrepresentation of people of faith over those of no faith in our secular government. A good 30% of the American population has no interest in a faith-based justifications for a position, and that should be made known in the representation they have in Congress and the courts. This doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be a voice of faith in the discussions and decision making, it only means that it should perhaps be proportionate to the people that actually hold those views. If only faith-based ideologies are considered legitimate in our decision making because faith based beliefs are given disproportionate weight, then we can’t really be surprised when we see the same fracturing that has plagued faith based ideologies show up in our government.
Which begs the question of “why”? If the Nones are such a substantial part of the American population, remember, outnumbering nearly all other faith demographics, why are they so underrepresented in politics and culture? Why is it acceptable to say “Thoughts and Prayers” when you run a substantial chance that the person or group you’re talking to or about doesn’t believe in prayers and may even find them troublesome? Why do athletes or artists say “Thank God” when they achieve an award and this is considered equal to thanking their coaches, managers, and team mates? Why is it socially acceptable to begin a public event, even a political event, with sectarian benedictions when a third of the people in attendance may not even know what purpose that serves?
To start with, we can look at the age demographics of our leaders. It is no secret that the leaders of the American government are not only disproportionately religious, they are also disproportionately old (and wealthy!). This also extends to the economic and cultural leaders that do hold sway over state and local governments. This means that many levers of power are still held by a disproportionately religious demographic that mimics the makeup of the US Congress – overly religious. The distribution of the Nones skews younger with more than 60% of them being under age 50 and the younger you go, the less religious they are. The corollary to this would be that the younger our representatives get, the less likely we are to have an imbalanced faith based representation in positions of power, and since the opposite is true, this is what we have to contend with.
The trickledown effect of this demographic capture of power means that when decisions are made, whether it be to hold a specific religious ceremony, honor specific holidays, or even to take up religious arguments and justifications, those decisions are made to accommodate the people that make them. The cultural capital of religious ideologies remains at an all time high, even as folks that actively participate in them dwindle. An unfortunate side-effect of this is that the Nones are boxed out from many of these decisions because it is often seen as untoward or subversive to not participate in religious activity, and downright hostile to be critical of faith-based ideas. As this has gone on for a generation, you can indeed see a centering of faith at the expense of the non-religious in American culture, often to its detriment- not because faith is a detriment but because those of no-faith are ignored or marginalized- and American culture is one of representation and equality for all, not just those that happen to hold power.
So, what can we Americans - even religious Americans- that want a more representative government and egalitarian culture do so that the will of the electorate is reflected in its policies and actions?
Something all of us can do, especially if you’re a young person, is talk about these issues openly and honestly. Don’t shirk away from the fact that you might not believe in a deity or belong to a church, there is a very good chance you’re in likeminded company if you’re in a public space. This doesn’t mean you should mimic religious groups and evangelize about being a “None”, nor should this be about mocking or putting down the religious, but certainly remove that stigma of being a non-believer. A good example of this is Rebecca Vitsmun in 2013, where she was interviewed by a major news network after a tornado had destroyed large areas of the town she was living in. When pressed live on national television if she “thanked the lord” that her home was destroyed, but she and her family remained was safe, she replied that she was an atheist and that she didn’t even believe in such a thing. Just being honest in that moment showed that there are Nones everywhere and it is simply wrong to assume everyone is willing to concede to faith in public. Its ok to say you were raised this way or that, but that you as a person with autonomy and clear mind, do not believe in those things anymore.
You don’t have to apologize for not being religious or believing in deities anymore.
If someone is bringing up religious justifications for a policy or decision, ask why their decision should apply to someone that doesn’t believe in this or that faith position or deity. In many tough political discussions, faith-based arguments are often marshalled to justify taking actions, but this leaves out so many folks that would be impacted by these decisions. How do you justify using a faith position to dictate the lives of the faithful while also respecting them as equal citizens? It is not possible to do so, but it is only something that occurs because the Nones are kept out of that arena at the decision-making level.
Ask why a faith tradition should take precedence in a public meeting or space that is supposed to be open to everyone regardless of their faith or no faith. Point out that it isn’t simply contrarian to say you disbelieve in religious claims, your non-belief is something you and billions of other people around the world share, and it is in fact the sectarian faiths that have the burden of justification for the imposition, not the Nones. It is not, nor has it ever been, embarrassing to be a None and it well past time that we have a place in our society and government too.
Lastly, you can get civically involved. Press candidates on separation of church and state issues and get connected to your local and state parties. Seek out candidates, particularly younger candidates, that identify as Nones or become a candidate yourself if you can’t find someone willing to do so. Patronize businesses and that support secular ideals and equal representation in the marketplace and volunteer with your local non profit organizations. Educate yourself on the policies and procedures that go into our social, economic, and civic activities so that you can make sure you are heard when these decisions are made.
If that 30% of the American electorate can get behind certain ideas at the local level and make their cultural and political power felt, the United States can only get better because its government will better represent the people that elects it. The United States can ill afford another generation of over representation of faith ideologies at the expense of the unaffiliated. This trend is not going to reverse itself, all signals point to a steady increase in the Nones coinciding with the aging out of the current disproportionate representations in the halls of US power. The disparity will only get worse if the non-religious refuse to identify as such publicly, and this hurts everyone - both religious and non-religious alike.
Only by standing up and being willing to be counted and respected as secular Americans can the Nones make their voices heard. Not by posting on social media or murmuring in private meetings over coffee or drinks in hushed tones, but by getting out there and being proud of who we are.
I know I am glad to be a None and you should be too. Remember, there are more of us than you think!
Jason Benell
Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers
The Humanist Society of Iowa is promoting a Day of Advocacy at the Iowa State Fair. We need your help staffing the Better Ballot Iowa (BBI) booth at the fair.
If you attended the Iowa Secular Summit this year, you heard David Gion of Better Ballot Iowa discuss ranked choice voting. It is a non-partisan political innovation that reduces the incentives for polarization and negative campaigning and could be an answer to feeling like you are voting for the lesser of two evils. Better Ballot Iowa is advocating for bringing ranked choice voting to Iowa (also done in Maine and Alaska, and many municipalities around the country).
Please click the link below to sign up for a 3-hour shift in the air conditioned Varied iIndustries building. Volunteers will get free entry and parking, and be eligible for a free meal if they request reimbursement.
If people wish we can meet after a shift and hang out at the fair together. You can see who has signed up before you pick a shift. We need up to three people per shift. Training on how to work the booth will be provided before the fair via Zoom.
Brooklyn Evan Walker discusses Christian Nationalism’s influence in the United States legal system
The 2024 Iowa Secular Summit was a success! IAF, in joint effort with the Humanist Society of Iowa were able to educate and highlight some of the most pressing topics impacting Americans today. Dr. Boevers from Iowans for Health Liberty highlighted the threat religious theocracy poses to access to reproductive care and OBGYN services and how religious dogma is leading to a hollowing out of healthcare services for Iowans. David Gion of Better Ballot Iowa demonstrated the importance of reimagining our electoral system that will result in less polarization and more representation. Ryan Dudley used primary sources highlighting the threat Project 2025 poses to our democracy; the Christian Nationalists are explicitly telling us what they want to do, and it may be the end of our secular democracy if it comes to pass. Dr. Brooklyn Evan Walker closed the summit with expansive data and explanation denoting the unfortunate political trends of Christian Nationalists and how that specific demographic goes, so goes a major political party on a whole host of other social and political issues.
We are extremely proud to be able to provide these important discussions and events for the community. Please learn more about each of the Iowa Secular Summit speakers below and we will see you at next years!
Secretary Ashley Hager and Treasurer Howard Hoy at Pride 2024
IAF was at Capitol City Pride 2024 for the entire weekend! While there, we met so many wonderful people that shared our message of equality and human rights and being Good Without God! It shouldn’t be forgotten that the assaults on our rights, be it the right to love who we want, the right to choose what to do with our bodies, or even the right to believe - or not believe- in gods, are under assault almost unilaterally from those that use faith as a justification. Time and again churches and religious organizations align themselves agains t the rights of individuals in an effort to impose their ideology on others, pushing aside or denigrating the human beings that would disagree or refuse to adhere to a sectarian ideology.
IAF’s presence at Pride reminds everyone that when Equality is Under Attack, Atheists Show Up and that the freedom of - and from- religion is a cornerstone of a democracy that recognizes universal equality before the government. Secular governance results in a more equal and functional government than a theocratic one, and Iowa Atheists and Freethinkers is proud to share that message both during Pride Month and all year long!
Vice President Robert Cook tending the IAF Booth at the Farmers Market June 1, 2024
IAF held a great first of the year Farmers Market event where we met several outstanding allies advocating for separation of church and state!
IAF President Jason Benell addresses Separation of Church and State Panel: Satanic Temple of Iowa’s Mortimer Adramalech, Humanists of Linn County’s Tyler Owen, and LDS member Lee Prince.
IAF recently participated in the Iowa Religious Freedom Day with a jointly composed opening prayer, participation in religious freedom proclamations, and a panel breaking down the importance of the separation of Church and State. A secular government is necessary for the preservation of democracy as well as the freedom of speech, religion, and even the freedom of assembly! this was the discussion of the event at this day-long summit.
This panel was moderated by IAF president Jason Benell and featured the Satanic Temple of Iowa’s Mortimer Adramalech, Humanists of Linn County’s Tyler Owen, and LDS member Lee Prince. A good discussion of what church and state separation meant to them was had as well as good questions from the attendees at Drake University.
You can learn more about the event as well as pictures and video at iowareligiousfreedomday.org